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Easter Egger/Ameraucana chickens are our most popular kid pick! Great for family-friendly flocks, these chickens are good layers of colorful eggs that can range from olive green to turquoise blue and occasionally rose or brown. Like their eggs, these chicks will grow into adult birds that vary widely in feather colors. And if amazing feather and egg color wasn’t enough, they are also extremely docile, and heat and cold hardy.
Austra Whites are a cross between a Black Australorp rooster and a White Leghorn hen. This cross produces a white bird with black flecks. Legs can be either yellow or gray. Austra Whites retain the foraging and excellent laying capabilities of the Leghorns while being a little heavier and friendly like the Australorp. They are excellent egg layers of large off-white/tinted eggs. They are heat and Cold Hardy and quite, tame and docile
Blue Ameraucana chickens are very popular because they lay blue tinted eggs. Blue Ameraucanas always have both beards and muffs. Their pea comb makes them a great bird for colder climates. They have a quiet and calm personality and will be sure to attract attention to your flock.
Ameraucana Chickens are not to be confused with Easter Eggers as they are a pure breed.
The color blue does not breed true. The chicks hatched from blue parents can be blue, black, or splash.
Blue Orpington Chickens are very calm, quiet and affectionate, like their buff-colored counterpart. Orpingtons are a dual-purpose breed but are often kept for their pet-like qualities. They are also loosely feathered and look bigger than they actually are. Hens tend to go broody and make excellent mothers. They are cold hardy and extremely docile.
The color blue does not breed true. The chicks hatched from blue parents can be blue, black, or splash.
Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens are an old-time favorite brown egg layer as well as a popular dual purpose breed. The Plymouth Rock breed is very friendly and does well in cold weather. Barred Rock Chickens have high egg production, a meaty body, a docile personality, and good hardiness, all characteristics that are desired in a great flock. These lovely birds have black and white barred feathers.
This showy bird is a beautiful bronze on iridescent greenish-black lacing on reddish-brown colored feathers. They are known for their hardiness and for being good layers. They are cold hardy, especially in damp conditions. They are friendly, calm and docile. Barnevelders are very rare in the United States which makes them quite desirable and highly sought after.
Black Australorps are a popular producer of large brown eggs and are known for their heat and cold hardiness and persistence in laying- especially in hot weather. They can lay up to 250 eggs annually and will lay into winter. Black Australorps mature early and are docile, quiet birds, which makes them great for handling and children. When mature, Australorps have glossy, all-black feathers that show a gorgeous green sheen.
The term "giant" is right for these tall, stately birds with shiny black feathers. In fact, Black Jersey Giant Chickens are the largest dual-purpose chicken breed. While Black Jersey Giants grow to a large size, they do it slowly. They are a heritage breed and have a calm and docile, easy going personality.
Black Star/Sex Links are a breed cross using Rhode Island Red males and Barred Plymouth Rock females. This is one of the breeds that are easily sexed. Their gentle disposition makes for an excellent free-range bird. They are heat and cold hardy and great egglayers of large brown eggs, they are calm and docile.
Blue Australorps are a popular producer of large brown eggs and are known for their heat and cold hardiness and persistence in laying- especially in hot weather. They can lay up to 250 eggs annually and will lay into winter. Blue Australorps mature early and are docile, quiet birds, which makes them great for handling and children. The Blue Australorp is a rare breed with beautiful blue coloration.
The term "giant" is right for these tall, stately birds with slate blue feathers. In fact, Blue Jersey Giant Chickens are the largest dual-purpose chicken breed. While Blue Jersey Giants grow to a large size, they do it slowly. They are a heritage breed and have a calm and docile, easy going personality. The Blue Jersey Giant is a rare breed with beautiful blue coloration.
The Blue Plymouth Rock is not only a beautiful breed with their blue-gray and lavender feathering but they are also a proficient egg layer of large light brown eggs. This breed is crossed with an Andalusian Male and Barred Plymouth Rock female. They are also extremely docile, and heat and cold hardy.
Blue Wyandotte are docile and good producers of brown eggs that are slightly smaller than those produced by some of the more popular breeds. The breed is of American origin. These dual-purpose birds are active, hardy, self-reliant and broody. Blue Wyandotte Chickens are short, deep, wide-bodied and medium weight
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